VCS 8th grade student Isabelle Ireland has many talents, one of which is being an amazing artist. Isabelle has been helping to decorate our new graphic novel corner in the library with her own paintings! Here is the first to go up on the wall!

It was a hard-fought league championship match between Veazie Community School and Beech Hill School. VCS won by a score of 2-1. And the kids were excited!!!!

Congratulations to Veazie Community School Soccer and X-Country Teams on very successful seasons. Good luck in your championship games/meets!

Today's school lunch potato salad was made with potatoes that were planted, cultivated, and harvested by VCS students right here in our school learning garden! Thank you to our amazing kitchen staff (Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Thibeault) for making this beautiful salad!

First graders had their first guest reader in Library Media this week. Veazie Police Officer, Julia Richards, shared a book called “Police Officers in My Community“ and answered lots of questions about her own role in our Veazie Community.

Yesterday, second graders picked the potatoes they planted last year! I think we will have some great potato dishes in the lunchroom very soon! Thank you Mrs. Richard for helping us learn some great gardening skills!

We would like to thank Connor Archer and the Courageous Steps Project for this generous donation of school supplies!

Veazie Community School seeks public input, while developing its application for funds available through the American Rescue Plan / Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief program. Among other details, the "ESSER" funds are intended to address the most critical and wide-spread needs caused by and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. For information on how to be involved in this process, please contact VCS Superintendent & Principal, Matthew Cyr at mcyr@veaziecs.org .

Veazie Community School has received a $5,500 Community Grant from the Bangor Savings Bank Foundation. The grant is for the purpose of refurbishing and maintaining school-owned musical instruments. The main focus of the Bangor Savings Bank Foundation are Education, Social and Civil Services, Culture and Arts, and Health and Wellness. Representatives from Bangor Savings Bank visited Veazie Community School on June 23rd to present the grant. With this grant, Veazie Community School is able to ensure student access to quality instruments for years to come.

Yesterday was our last day with 8th grade. The entire school cheered them on before they loaded the bus for their class trip. Last night's graduation and celebratory parade were wonderful! We are proud of our graduates!

Dear Veazie Community School Friends and Families,
It is with heartbreak and great sadness that I share news of the passing of Gail Harrison after a short and courageous battle with cancer. Mrs. Harrison was an Educational Technician who worked with Veazie students for 33 years in multiple roles ranging from caring for the school library to supporting individual student learning needs. Mrs. Harrison was a beautiful person who always placed the needs of others before her own and was widely known for having sparkle in her step and outfits! With the support of Mrs. Dineen, our school counselor, classroom teachers will be sharing this news with students who knew Mrs. Harrison. Thanks to overwhelming support from neighboring schools and agencies, we will also be providing opportunity for students and staff who need to talk during the day and after school. We would also like to share the following link as a resource for families to support students at home: https://www.dougy.org/ At this time we have no information about funeral arrangements. We ask that you keep Mrs. Harrison and her family in your thoughts.
Life is so short and precious. We have been through so much together this year. Mrs. Harrison wanted us to be happy….with this in mind, we will channel Gail’s love and passion for working with kids. Be kind to one another. Take care.
Matthew D. Cyr

It has been 13 months since we replaced our gym floor, and today is the first day students were able to see what it looked like! Until now it had a protective cover because this space was used as our cafeteria. That light at the end of the COVID tunnel keeps getting brighter!!

Just want to let you know, Pre-K knows the caterpillars are dangerous. They've now moved on to SLUGS!

Please read this important community notice regarding work being done next week on the gas line in Veazie.

High winds over the past two days released browntail moth caterpillars around our school, but we are learning this has happened wide-scale around Maine. These caterpillars look cute and fuzzy to kids, and they often want to touch them--or even take them home to become a pet!
We will be educating students today about the dangers of touching caterpillars, in particular, this one. Please do so at home as well. Here is some information that was shared with schools from Gary Fish, a State Horticulturist at the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry:
This CDC brochure helps to understand the human effects (rashes, respiratory effects): https://www.maine.gov/.../epi/shm/Browntail-Moth-FS.pdf
This FAQ covers many points you might be interested in: https://www.maine.gov/.../invasiv.../browntail_moth_faqs.htm
This Maine Forest Service brochure is helpful to understand the caterpillars and how the hairs become a problem: https://www.maine.gov/.../doc.../browntail_moth_brochure.pdf
Why are they a problem? The browntail caterpillar has tiny (0.15 mm) hairs that on sensitive individuals cause a skin rash similar to poison ivy and/or trouble breathing. The microscopic hairs break off the caterpillars and are everywhere in browntail infested areas; on trees, lawns, gardens, decks, picnic tables and in the air. The hairs can remain toxic for up to THREE YEARS so although the problem is worst from May to July, they may cause a reaction at other times of year as well. Wind or activities such as mowing, leaf-blowing, etc., can stir up the hairs, leading to a reaction. The rash and trouble breathing can last anywhere from a few hours to several weeks. It is caused by both a chemical reaction to a toxin in the hairs and physical irritation from the barbed hairs. Contact your physician if a reaction is severe.
The greatest risk of exposure to the toxic hairs is between April and July.
Caterpillars, shed skins, and cocoons all have toxic hairs.
The toxin is stable in the environment for one to three years and hairs can become airborne at any time.
It is important to take precautions year-round in heavily infested areas.

Tomorrow's forecast is calling for very warm temperatures in the mid-80's. Please remind students to bring their water bottles to school!

Check out the map for details on the 8th grade graduation parade route. The parade will begin immediately following graduation on June 10 (around 7pm).

Hello Veazie Community School Families,
We are excited to announce that signups are now open for our Summer Learning Program. This program open to all VCS students currently enrolled in grades K - 8. Sessions will be 8:30 - 11:30 every Tuesday, Wedenesday and Thursday from June 29 - July 29. Important things to note:
This summer program is in-person learning, only (No Remote or Hybrid Instruction)
Bus transportation is available
Breakfast and Lunch will be provided on each day a student is in session
This program is free for all current VCS K - 8 students
Enroll your child today! (please complete a new survey for more than one student): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwO2Zt-UOiNPgnvmWw2pRCl6P8TmiZkN2LNIHJ8WQgYkjDGQ/viewform
Direct questions to Mr. Arell, our Summer Learning Program Coordinator: marell@veaziecs.org
Have a great day!
-Mr. Cyr

Calling former students! Mrs. Logan is retiring after 42 years of teaching Veazie students. Please use the form below to submit memories, stories, and kind words to help celebrate her!

Congratulations to the Veazie Viking Robotics Team for winning the Global Innovation Award and having the highest scoring robot at this year's First LEGO League State Competition! With the Global Innovation Award comes opportunity to compete at the world level along with other state and national champions. We are beyond proud of this incredible group of young problem solvers!!